ウー ウェイド
ウー ウェイド 氏 (2022年3月卒業)
- バックグラウンド
Background - I finished my bachelor's degree in hotel management and worked for about a year in the US before joining the KC-CDO. During the program, I interned at companies in different business field and I am still open to new challenges. Currently, I work for a commercial bank as part of the risk management team, and I am also preparing the legal professional qualification examination.
- KC-CDO受験のきっかけ
Why did you decide to apply to KC-CDO? - In fall 2019, I received an invitation from the admission office of Cornell University to join their annual dinner reception in NYC and met with a student who introduced me about the KC-CDO program. Realizing that it is a great opportunity to accomplish two master’s degrees from two of the most distinguished academic institutions, I decided to apply right away.
- KC-CDOはあなたのキャリアゴールにどのように役立つと考えますか?
What career goals will KC-CDO help you achieve? - I believe the two degrees will grant me the ticket to become a future executive member.
- それぞれのスクールでのお気に入りのクラスは?
Which class did you enjoy the most at both Kyoto and Cornell? - I enjoyed Asset Management at Cornell and Business Analysis & Valuation at Kyoto.
- それぞれのスクールのクラスの雰囲気は?
How were the classmates at both university? - Classmates were all very friendly and open-minded.
- インターンシップの機会はありましたか?
Did you have chance to internship during the program? - Yes, I had multiple internships during the program. The toughest one was a week long program with MGM Internaional. The program was hold in Japanese time zone, meanwhile, I also have claesses at Cornell following the US time, and I was physically in China at the time. So for that entire week, I participated the MGM program during the day and stayed up during the night for my courses at Cornell.
- 授業以外での過ごし方
What did you do on your days off? - I spent most of my time outside the classroom on virtual webinar and internship.
- コロナ禍での進学を迷ったことは?また、進学の決め手はなんでしたか?
Did you have second thoughts about starting your study during the pandemic? If so, what determined to start now? - No, I never regret the decision I made, and I did not have many hesitation when making this decision back in time.
- KC-CDOの学生として最も楽しかったことは?
What have you most enjoyed about being a KC-CDO student? - I enjoyed the networking that the two schools offer me, hearing the wisdom from predecessor is very inspiring.
- 未来または現在のKC-CDOの学生へメッセージ
Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for future/current KC-CDO students? - My message to the prospective students is to be ready to share and interact with not only people in the KC-CDO program but everyone around you, and make this experience memorable and invaluable in a way you want.