Tomokazu Utsugi (Class of 2023) – Kyoto-Cornell International Collaborative Degree Opportunity


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Tomokazu Utsugi (Class of 2023)

Tomokazu Utsugi (Class of 2023)

Why did you decide to apply to KC-CDO?
Wanted to learn about global hospitality and business to expand my family business.
What career goals will KC-CDO help you achieve?
KCCDO definitely helps enhance your career in the hospitality industry. This program also helps you switch your career to other industries such as finance, consulting, and real estate.
Which class did you enjoy the most at both Kyoto and Cornell?
I enjoyed Hospitality Consulting and Managerial Accounting at Kyoto, Revenue Management and Brand Management at Cornell.
How were the classmates at both university?
My classmates from both universities were from different cultural background and different industries. They are very ambitious and friendly such that you can create your network to achieve your career goal.
What did you do on your days off?
The program was pretty intense, which made me study during my days off. But when I had time, I did some exercise to relieve my stress.
Did you have second thoughts about starting your study during the pandemic? If so, what determined to start now?
I did not really have second thoughts about starting this program during the pandemic.
What have you most enjoyed about being a KC-CDO student?
I will miss the moments when I studied at beautiful libraries with my friends at Cornell. Also, there is a rock-climbing gym at Cornell. That was so much fun to do rock climbing with my close friends!
How did you connect with people and make new friends?
Group works in classes help you make friends that have a similar work ethics.
Did you join any extra-curricular events or clubs at both universities? If yes, which ones?
I joined the Boxing club at Cornell. We had a practice twice a week and Instructors and trainees were all students.
Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for future/current KC-CDO students?
As previously stated, the program is pretty intense so you should find ways to manage your stress.