2. 2023年開講科目

Resilient Hospitality Management
Course name has been changed from “Innovative Hospitality Management”



This course will focus on sustainable and resilient management of society, organizations and companies based on Japanese traditions, philosophy and ethics. In addition, it will delve into the theory and the practice of intangible value of “hospitality”. In doing so, the objective of this class is to clarify the role of “humanity” in this age of digital transformation (an age in which digital information forms the basis of social infrastructure), so that students may acquire the skills and mindset with which to become future leaders. In addition, since this course is part of the curriculum of the Kyoto-Cornell International Collaborative Degree Opportunity (KC-CDO), we will learn both European/American and Japanese/Asian style hospitality, and deepen our understanding of intercultural communication.
This course will proceed in three distinct stages: (1) Philosophy and ethics concerning resilient hospitality management. (2) Resilient hospitality management based on “Tradition and Innovation” (伝統と革新 Dento to Kakushin in Japanese). (3) Application and adaptation to the society/community and future direction. The course will consist of lectures, practical exercises and discussions, and student presentations. In addition, special lectures by experts will be conducted in order to shed light on the multifaceted nature of the current and future state of the field in practice.


開講時期2023年後期 木曜 5限(16:45-18:15)


The course will be combined both with frameworks and practical examples. It will also invite guest key lectures to share their experiences on relevant topics for discussion.
The course schedule is as follows:

1.Introduction and course overview
The scope of the Resilient Hospitality Management. History, culture, philosophy and hospitality, sense of beauty and sustainability of values, etc.
2~5.High contexts of tradition, culture, philosophy for the Resilient Hospitality Management
Religion and Hospitality, Language and Hospitality
Philosophy of Chanoyu
Danshari(decluttering, tiding-up) and human relationship management
6~9.Resilient Hospitality Management
Tradition and Innovation, How philosophy influences sustainability, The concept of Shuhari (three stages of learning mastery).
Tradition and Innovation of Iekbana (including Ikebana practice)
Tradition and Innovation of Nishijin Textile
10~14.Application to Society and Community
Application of the concept of Resilient Hospitality Management to the current and future society
Application to community business
Sanpo-yoshi (Multi-stakeholder management), Cross-cultural communicatio
15.Summary and wrap-up

AI and Hospitality



The purpose of this lecture course is to learn the capability of digital technologies such as sensors, IoT, AI or Robotics for the innovation of service and manufacturing industries. Participants consider various aspects of value of services for customers, employees, managers and society with evaluation indicators and learn how technologies could enhance service systems in a comprehensive manner. In this lecture, participants also discuss how human experiences in services are augmented by technologies with some case studies such as restaurants, hotel or healthcare industries. In the groupworks, participants share their ideas and problems to be solved with others.


開講時期2023年後期 金曜 5限(16:45-18:15 )
シラバス京大 OCW


1.Problem structure of service industries: labor shortage, low productivity, lifestyle, workstyle, impact of COVID-19 on industries
2.Value of services and evaluation indicators: customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, management indicators
3.Group work1: challenges and problem structure you want to solve in a certain service industry: value for employee, customer and management
4.Technologies for services 1: sensing technologies, IoT
5.Technologies for services 2: AI and big data analysis
6.Technologies for services 3: Methods and case studies on big data analysis
7.Technologies for services 4: Robotics, chatbots, ICT, case of hospitality industry
8.Guest speaker 1 (from industry): Case of excellent services which utilize digital technologies and data
9.Excellent cases of utilizing digital technologies in some industries
10.Guest speaker 2 (from academia): Service design and social acceptance for technologies
11.Groupwork 2: Utilization of digital technologies and data acquired through services
12.Groupwork 3: (continue) presentation and discussion
13.Service design in COVID-19 pandemic era: recent trends and discussion
14.Discussion for the final report: Ideas of utilizing technologies for the innovation of service systems
15.Summary of the lecture and discussions for final report

Hospitality Consulting



Recent industry trend in hospitality is that real estate owners (or investor) and asset operators (or hotel companies) are different entities to continue their hotel business in many cases. Accordingly, there often happens conflict of interests between hotel owners and operators and demands for third-party opinions have grown. In this regard, hospitality consultants are required to provide appropriate advice on clients’ hotel investment/development projects from a neutral, objective point of view.
As such, this course is aimed to provide students with an opportunity to learn basic skills in market-research-based hospitality consulting as well as to “virtually experience” an actual consulting project.
After the course, students are expected to become facilitated with the following skill sets:

  • (1) Basic understanding on purpose, process, and steps of hotel market research (Market research skill)
  • (2) Skills to construct reasonable, fact-based conclusion (Logical thinking skill)
  • (3) Skills to create visual and effective presentation materials (Visual presentation skill)
  • (4) Skills to make direct and persuasive client presentation (Oral presentation skill)


開講時期2023年後期 月曜 3限(13:15-14:45)
シラバス京大 OCW

クラススケジュール (予定)

This course is designed to evolve by having students “virtually experience” an actual consulting project in addition to reinforcing with basic consulting and market research methodologies and by learning industry knowledge and latest industry trends from experienced guest lecturers. Consulting assignment during course is conducted by group, perhaps of 4-5 students each.
Initial planned timeline of this course is as indicated bellow. However, students should note that the course schedule is subject to change due to various reasons such as actual progress of the course, availability of guest lecturers, etc:

1.Course orientation: introduction of instructor and students, course overview, and some ice breaking activities.
2.Announcement on group assignment, and grouping of students for the project work.
3.Brief review of industry terms related to this course.
4~7.Overview of hotel market research methodologies including (a) general market analysis, (b) local hotel market analysis, (c) competitive market analysis, and (d) subject property analysis.
8-9.Guest lecture by experienced industry leader (specific lecturer is to be announced during the course)
10-11.Mid-term presentation
12.Guest lecture by experienced industry leader (specific lecturer is to be announced during the course)
13-14.Final presentation
15.Summary and wrap-up





  • サービス/ホスピタリティ/おもてなしを俯瞰的に理解するとともに、関連するモデルやフレームワークに関する知識を獲得する
  • ホスピタリティ産業を支える、顧客接点における価値共創の共通基盤を理解する
  • 日本型クリエイティブ・サービス(暗黙知に基づく切磋琢磨の価値共創)が有する競争優位性を学ぶ


開講時期2023年後期 金曜 4限(15:00-16:30)
授業方式 対面(予定)


第1回第1回 ガイダンス ―おもてなし経営とは
第2回第2回 ホスピタリティ、サービス、おもてなし:概念の整理と位置づけ
第3回第3回 おもてなしに関わる人的要素の特性と組織作り
第4回第4回 サービス表現と視覚化による理解
第5回第5回 演習(グループワーク):グループ分けと課題設定
第6回第6回 サービス産業におけるリーダーシップとフォロワーシップ
第7回第7回 おもてなしによる顧客価値創出と知の継承のプロセス
第8回第8回 顧客接点のサービス事業評価
第9回第9回 おもてなしと収益性
第10回第10回 演習(グループワーク):中間発表
第11回 「おもてなし経営」の振り替えりと中間発表フィードバック
第12回 外部講師による事例紹介1